My Little Guidebook (summer ver. 27min) will be on show @ NUPKA CRAFT THURSDAY EVENT


CRAFT THURSDAY Event will be held at hotel Nupka on October 27th night. The Tokachi short film My Little Guidebook (summer ver. 27min) will also be on show at 20:00. We recommend you to watch the summer version of My Little Guidebook before enjoy the brand-new winter version just released on 23h October, which help you to discover the attractiveness of Tokachi’s winter.  How about enjoy the movie while drinking our craft beer with your friends?


我們將于10月27日晚在Nupka酒店舉行 精釀啤酒之夜。 同時十勝微電影 my little guidebook之夏季篇也會于晚上8點上映。 我們建議您先觀賞my little guidebook的夏季版再欣賞向您介紹十勝的冬季魅力的冬季版(冬季版于10月23日公開)。 邀請您的朋友一起來我們酒店邊品嘗精釀啤酒,邊觀賞電影吧。